2017 July


“Anybody who travels knows that you’re not really doing so in order to move around, you’re traveling in order to be moved.” – Pico Iyer   On Saturday morning, October 15th, I hit the road for the last time. I was almost home. After the past few days’ events, I was feeling even more grateful […]

One Life

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?- Mary OliverBefore, I was an achiever. My #1 strength in strengthsfinder, I was always working towards something. When I reached my goal (which I always did, finding ways around the roadblocks, when I fell, picking myself up to try […]


When we experience the world today, we often fail to recognize the layers of the past that the present is built upon. Yet many of us can remember a time in our lives where we were face-to-face with one of those layers, a moment in time from history, the ghosts of the past demanding our […]