Beat Infertility Interview

I discovered the Beat Infertility podcast almost two years ago, and spent months binge listening. Episode after episode, I learned about various infertility diagnoses, heard from women who had found success and those who were still on their journeys, and listened to a reproductive endocrinologist talk about procedures and answer listener questions.

A few weeks ago, I did an interview with Heather Huhman, the host of Beat Infertility. Mine is a different kind of success story, and I wanted to share it so couples struggling with the decisions my husband and I have made can hear about our journey, and see that life after infertility can be beautiful, with or without a child. Our success story does not include a pregnancy or adoption. We made a different choice, and are fully embracing our childfree life. I feel like the mountain of infertility is behind me, though climbing and descending that mountain shaped who I am today. To listen to my conversation with Heather, you can find Beat Infertility on iTunes or here.

For those who are just finding this blog, and would like to read from the beginning, it all started here. Welcome, and best of luck to you on your own journey!

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