
Our family has grown!

It’s…TWINS! Puppies that is 😉 This September we welcomed two Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies to the Laxo family. Named affectionately for the mischievous Weasley twins (hello fellow Harry Potter fans), Fred and George have already weaseled their way into our hearts. After infertility, losing two pregnancies, and deciding to move forward with a childfree […]

Holiday Cheer

Some people completely embrace the holidays. They love the decorations, putting lights up on the house, picking out presents for anyone and everyone – from a close friend to the mailman. They listen to the Bing Crosby Holiday Pandora station at work, declining to wear headphones because they’d rather share that holiday cheer with everyone […]

When the Holidays Hurt

The holiday season is joyful for most, filled with cheer, happiness, reflecting on the past year with gratitude, and looking forward to the coming year with hope, excitement, and the promise of a clean slate. But for some, the impending holidays and new year break open a wound that may have just begun to heal, […]