
Redefining Family

Next Sunday will be the two year anniversary of the day I found out I was pregnant for the second time, 15 months after our first miscarriage. Six weeks later, we would learn that our baby had died, and two weeks after that I would miscarry a loved, wanted child for the second time. The […]


“Anybody who travels knows that you’re not really doing so in order to move around, you’re traveling in order to be moved.” – Pico Iyer   On Saturday morning, October 15th, I hit the road for the last time. I was almost home. After the past few days’ events, I was feeling even more grateful […]

And So It Begins

“Only that day dawns to which we are awake.”- Henry David ThoreauDespite all the dreaming, planning and packing, the trip never felt real, not until the day of departure. Saturday morning, September 24th, I loaded up my car, asked Ben to take my picture, and headed out.  I drove to a suburb in the Southwest metro […]