
Embracing Other-ness

“…to the mother within all of us – let her free to love, nurture, and heal so that we may all be better at raising each other” -Cleo Wade I am a childless mother. My children died in my womb, and as the years tick by, I will never say “Stop growing! You’re growing up […]

Freedom in the New Year

For most of my life, I assumed that I would be a mother, raising a wild, creative crew of young feisty children, my house filled with noise and love. Since our earliest days together, Ben and I would talk about our future kids, joking about how they’d better have musical talent, arguing over how many […]

Holiday Cheer

Some people completely embrace the holidays. They love the decorations, putting lights up on the house, picking out presents for anyone and everyone – from a close friend to the mailman. They listen to the Bing Crosby Holiday Pandora station at work, declining to wear headphones because they’d rather share that holiday cheer with everyone […]

Redefining Family

Next Sunday will be the two year anniversary of the day I found out I was pregnant for the second time, 15 months after our first miscarriage. Six weeks later, we would learn that our baby had died, and two weeks after that I would miscarry a loved, wanted child for the second time. The […]

Shrinking Grief

The moment you realize you are losing someone you love, you can see the grief coming, approaching like an endless ocean that you know you are about to jump into and attempt to swim across. My first miscarriage came two weeks after finding out I was pregnant, and when I started to bleed, I watched […]

What Now?

“Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.”  ― Mandy Hale The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass Think about your life in the future. Imagine that everything has gone as well as it possibly could. You have worked hard and succeeded at […]


“Anybody who travels knows that you’re not really doing so in order to move around, you’re traveling in order to be moved.” – Pico Iyer   On Saturday morning, October 15th, I hit the road for the last time. I was almost home. After the past few days’ events, I was feeling even more grateful […]

One Life

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?- Mary OliverBefore, I was an achiever. My #1 strength in strengthsfinder, I was always working towards something. When I reached my goal (which I always did, finding ways around the roadblocks, when I fell, picking myself up to try […]


The world sees the motherwho pushes, breathing through her pain, birthingwho tenderly caresses a smooth, small facewho nourishes her child at her breastwho tells the story to her son of how he came into her lifewho watches her daughter grow into a womanThe wiping of noses and buttsthe lack of sleepthe inability to quiet the screaming discontentkisses given to mend boo booshugs […]

Healing Energy

“Energy is the living, vibrating ground of your being, and it is your body’s natural self-healing elixir, its natural medicine.” – Donna Eden, Energy Medicine for WomenSedona is known for four energy vortexes, where the subtle, swirling energy of the earth is unusually strong, enough to be felt by people nearby. The vortexes felt like legend […]