
Beat Infertility Interview

I discovered the Beat Infertility podcast almost two years ago, and spent months binge listening. Episode after episode, I learned about various infertility diagnoses, heard from women who had found success and those who were still on their journeys, and listened to a reproductive endocrinologist talk about procedures and answer listener questions. A few weeks […]

Stepping under my cloud

Living with infertility is like walking through life with a dark cloud over your head, while everything beyond arms reach is bright and sunny. It can be incredibly isolating, even more so when you are vulnerable and share your truth with the people around you, people in the sun, and they express how sorry they are […]

Everyday Extraordinaries

When Andi Fairbanks, a dear friend and member of my online tribe, asked me to be a guest on her podcast I was shocked and honored that she considered me among her list of everyday extraordinaries, people who follow their passions and change lives. For those who are visiting this site for the first time, you […]

In the absence of choice

We spend every day of our lives making choices, big and small. What to study in school, how to spend your paycheck, when to get out of bed (snuggle the pets for another few minutes or shower and get ready for work?), what city to live in, what to wear to the holiday party. We […]


 We crave a tight-knit social network, people who see your true self and accept that self wholeheartedly. When you find this, you’ve found your tribe. Some are lucky and belong to many tribes – family, a group of friends from college, work colleagues. Others might have none. When I told Ben I was working on […]